A roast from our host: A meal to remember from Peerless Pete Our annual Melbourne Cup fundraiser was again a success, with more than 30 players, family and supporters gathering in the bowling rooms for a day of sweeps and dining. And the dining was fine - Peter Fenaughty got down to Ormond Park early to spark up his wood-fired spit, and we had pork and beef cooked to perfection thanks to Pete's expert eye. Peter (right) is shown here with James Thorneycroft, keeping a watchful eye on the meat turning over the coals.
Thanks for Victoria Thorneycroft for organising the day and decorating the rooms, Peter Fenaughty for the spit roasts and Danny Terzini for running the sweeps. ***For more pictures of the day, click HERE. JUNIOR AND PICKLE SHARE A MILESTONE Good mates Mark Cini and Paul Nicol (far right) shared their 150th game milestone together when the Thirds beat Avondale Heights on October 6. They've been through a lot together at our Club, and it was fitting they shared the spotlight for their game. ***For more details, go to the NEWS pages.
A day to remember for Spud's 300th game Moonee Valley Cricket Club legend Darren "Spud" Nagle was given a guard of honor when he ran on to the ground to play his 300th game - and didn't let us down when he unleashed a Man of the Match performance. Past and present players, family, supporters and admirers were all on hand for the October 30 Sunday game, which fittingly was held at Moonee Valley's home ground Ormond Park. Above: Spud runs through a guard of honor onto the ground - with the first two players on the left being long-time mate Ian Denny and fellow opening bat and Avondale Heights recruit Dean Lawson - and on the left being fellow Life Member John Talone and his son Luke. Spud shared the achievement off-field with a large group of admirers - and his onfield teammates in our Fourth Eleven included fellow life members John Talone and Ian Denny.  Spud is the first Moonee Valley player to reach the exalted 300-game mark - while Ian is now on 284 and John on 256. Spud ran through a guard of honor of his Fourth Eleven teammates and current and past players, and the clubrooms were decorated with a big banner put together by the Talone family. Left: Spud Nagle has a tea-break rest in front of the Talone family banner acknowledging his role as a Club legend. He's ready to go out and open the batting - on his way to an undefeated 40.
*******More pictures and words, click HERE
Our training details - down at Ormond Park Here's our cricket training schedule at our home ground at Ormond Park, in Pattison St, Moonee Ponds - beside the freeway.
The dates and times are: Seniors - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.15pm. Under 16s - Tuesdays 4.30-6pm Under 14s - Thursdays 4.30-6pm Under 12s - Wednesdays 4.30-6pm Under 10s - Mondays 4.30-6pm starting September 12 Milo In2Cricket - watch this space - due to start mid-October
For more details, ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 ****** Membership fees and payment options for 2011/12 - Seniors and juniors. To find out amounts and how to pay, click here
Main Club contact details: Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721 Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 Tanya McDonald - Junior Co-ordinator 0432 165 672
************************************************************************************************ For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page. (email: - mooneev@club.cricketvictoria.com.au) Our website: http://archive.mooneevalleycricket.com.au

Moonee Valley's Facebook Page: Click HERE or on the Facebook logo, or go to http://www.facebook.com/MVCC.Cricket
Our Twitter Account: To see all posts click HERE or on the Twitter bird at left, or go to www.twitter.com.
For our Twitter #mvcricket link, click HERE or on the Twitter "T" on the right. You can either search for #mvcricket to get the latest posts, or type in mv_cricket to see all the communications.
The Moonee Valley Cricket Club is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .
Last updated: November 8, 2011
For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here |