Moonee Valley Cricket Club


Presentation Night 2008/09 - North Suburban Club


Presentation09KevinJustinPat 400pixOur Night of Stars at the North Suburban Club

Moonee Valley's 2008/09 Senior Presentation Night packed the North Suburban Club to the rafters as we staged our biggest-ever awards.

We had more than 120 players, partners and supporters at the April 18 Moonee Valley Cricket Club night of nights, and it was action from go to whoa as we worked our way through the presentations for our 12 senior teams.

We were honored with the presence of Moonee Valley founder Ray Storey, down from Leitchville with wife Heather for our awards, and junior section founder Chris Ayers, with his wife Vicki.

Shown above are award winners from the night (L-R) Kevin Gardiner, Justin Willee and Pat Felmingham.

The crowd was our biggest-ever presentation night, our trophy count - at 92 awards - was our biggest-ever, and there was a lot to celebrate.Presentation09RStorey 450pix

Lindsay Jones Award

Club stalwart Bob Sciacchitano was announced as the best clubman and won the Lindsay Jones Award for his tireless work around the club, which over the past season included digging out the site for our new nets, providing crushed rock for the nets base, donating the meat and running the spit for the Melbourne Cup day, running the barbecue at our Bushfire Benefit Night, buying pizzas to celebrate our Twenty20 Grand Final win over Taylors Lakes - and a host of other tasks.

Club president Charlie Walker announced Shicka as the winner of the award, and then Ray Storey came to the microphone to expand on Bob's role and to explain the background of the award honoring the memory of the late Lindsay Jones - and no better or more selfless clubman has ever graced the rooms at Moonee Valley. Shown above are Ray with the microphone and Charlie listening on.

Presentation09Terzini 310pixThat's why it's such an honor to win the Lindsay Jones Award, because it recognises the achievements of those who put the interests of the Club first and foremost in everything they do.

Life Member - Danny Terzini

And in a well-kept secret, Danny Terzini was awarded Life Membership of the Moonee Valley Cricket Club.

Past President Darren Nagle made the announcement and presentation to "Busy". Spud pointed out Danny's pivotal role in running the junior program in our first few seasons, his ongoing role as a Team Manager and coaching assistant with our women's teams, and Dan's major contribution to just about everything that happens with our Club.

Darren Nagle (on left) presents Life Membership to a stunned Danny Terzini - with Life Member
John Talone in the foreground.

As always a man of action rather than words, Dan declined to take the microphone after being presented with life membership, but he did tell Darren that we was overwhelmed by the honor.

Presentation09WomenLounge 450pixOur sponsors

We were also honored on the night to have several of our key sponsors as our guests - Chris Batsios from ResCom Insurance and Real Estate, and Mandy and Steve Smith from Cambridge Body Spa and Wellness.

Each of the sponsors received a 360-degree photo of Moonee Valley players taken by Chris Lenz in front of our pavilion, and which emphasises the size and extent of our Club. Sixths player Antony Sherer also received a photo thanks to the sponsorship from his Prince of Wales Hotel in Ascot Vale.

Our Sponsorship Manager, Kim Johnston made the presentations and acknowledged the vital support provided by our sponsors in keeping a club as large and diverse as Moonee Valley afloat.

Shown above in the lounge area of the North Suburban Club are (from left) Kim Johnston (front),
Victoria Thorneycroft, Natalie Waites, Antony Sherer, Tanya Intagliata and Carolyn Tan.

Awards winners

All-rounder Rajan Aiyappan was announced as the winner of the Club Champion Award, based on a points-score system for the Firsts. Raj, who regularly opened both the batting and the bowling, amassed 974 points.

Presentation09TonyGKaneDan 400pixThe Moonee Valley Award, based on a points-score system for players in all other grades, was won by Pat Felmingham with 762.5 points.

Coach Lou Raffaele had the honor of selecting the winner of the ResCom Finance Most Improved Player Award, as decided by the coach's vote. He opted for first-year player Chris Micallef, who has shown great dedication all season both on improving his game and on being a true helper and supporter around the Club. He was a popular winner.

Our Life Members in attendance were Peter Gardiner, Ray Storey, Sandro Capocchi, John Talone, Jim McKenzie, Darren Nagle and Charlie Walker.

Coach Lou Raffaele gave an excellent speech on the season and the improvement in the Club when he did the First Eleven presentations, while women's coach Tony Gleeson soldiered on as he acnowledged the improvement in the skills and belief of the women's teams while tactfully seeking to explain the issues of declining reflexes and flexibility as players become more mature.

Women's Black team captain Tien Ha cheerfully tried to help Tony out by announcing that her team was officially the oldest team across the whole of the Victorian Women's Cricket Association.

Shown above are (from left) women's team coach Tony Gleeson, Firsts bowling star Kane Harding and
Second Eleven captain Daniel Phillips.

***** For a full list of trophy presentations and more photos, click HERE


April 19, 2009
Category: Photo Gallery

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