A word from our coach: Vic Hodge sets the standard on training
The season start is almost upon us, and I'm yet to see quite a number of players at training. While I appreciate that the footy finals are well under way, the cricket is the here and now. I appreciate that we have suffered from inclement weather, but we must make up for lost time. Training and nets are held on both Tuesday and Thursday every week from 4.30pm, and will continue throughout the season - switching back to 5.30 when Daylight Saving commences. As a rule I expect everyone at training for each session. If for any reason you cannot attend please be sure to call, text or email me before 2pm on the day. Please ensure that for all training sessions: *Club training clothing is worn at all times - otherwise white shirt, dark pants/shorts. *Appropriate footwear for nets/ground fielding. *Helmets are mandatory and non-negotiable - no helmet, no batting. *Late attendance will be subject to forfeits and only restricts your game. If there are any doubts or concerns regarding weather conditions, then text, call or email myself on 0438 803 084, President Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543 or Vice President Simon Thornton on 0417 570 779 by 3.30pm. There will also be an update posted on this website by 3.30pm if a decision is made to cancel training due to inclement weather. Vic Hodge Head Coach, Moonee Valley Cricket Club
Moonee Valley's young stars celebrate the season's end
Moonee Valley's juniors celebrated the end of another excellent season with our presentation nights held on April 27 and March 4. Our Under 16s and Under 14s held their barbecue and trophy presentation at the Bowls Club rooms on the first Friday, while the Under 12s, Under 10s and Milo In2Cricket program were up for the second night. Many thanks to our Junior Co-ordinator, Kevin Gardiner for his organisation of the nights, and to the coaches and parents for the presentations and ensuring the hungry hordes were fed with some semblance of order. All of our players received trophies. As well as winning the Ian Denny Trophy for the Under 16 batting award and the Tony Gleeson Trophy as runner-up in the Under 16 Best Player Award, Mitchell Evans won the Junior Club Champion award. William Blair, who won the Paul Nicol Trophy for the Under 12 bowling award and the Michael Intagliata Trophy for the Under 12 Best Player Award, was runner-up in th Junior Club Champion. *Above left: Club legend Doug McLaggan with Dillon Barrett, who won the Doug McLaggan Trophy as the Under 10 White team's best all-rounder.
*At right: Mitchell Evans receives his Junior Club Champion award from junior co-ordinator Kevin Gardiner, watched by U16 coach Simon Thornton.
Main Club contact details: Peter Golding - Club Secretary 0419 009 721 Simon Thornton - Vice President 0417 570 779 Charlie Walker - President 0409 237 543; 9370 1802 ************************************************************************************************ For more contacts, see "Office bearers & Officials" under "Club News & Info" at the top of the page. (email: - http://archive.mooneevalleycricket.com.au

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The Moonee Valley Cricket Club Inc is a section of the Moonee Valley Sporting Club .
Last updated: September 19, 2012
For more history on our Cricket Club, including Premiership match reports, click here |