Moonee Valley Cricket Club


Some holiday reading


Some holiday reading....

We’re now at the half way mark of the season, and we’re at the crossroads with a number of our teams in terms of the chances of finals action.

To play in finals and to give ourselves the best possible chance to perform well, we need to want it, and to be on top of our game.

Vic HodgeAt the start of the season you were all asked individually what you wanted to achieve. Overall you all informed that you wanted to improve as players, develop as a club, and above all – play finals. For many of you that opportunity still exists, but it will not come without application and effort.

To be on top of our game, we need to work hard and train hard. However, our numbers at training, particularly in the month leading up to the break, were well short of acceptable for players who want to play finals and make a meaningful contribution – and this has been reflected in performances and results.

You can only put it down to lack of commitment when players find excuses not to attend training, nor to Charlie Walkersupport the Club with their attendance at functions. Numbers at the Christmas party were another example of this lack of commitment.

Cricket is a team game. Players need to work together and support each other to achieve results. Yet a check through MyCricket shows precious few partnerships in any grade above 25, let alone partnerships of substance.

We look at our teams on selection night and pass comment that they look strong on paper. Yet they are coming up short against teams we expect to beat. Is it because those other clubs are playing together as a team by doing the hard work off the pitch, training hard and getting in form? We are far better than that, but it is the performances, not words, that count.

It remains clear that we have the players, the talent and ability. What we need now is the application and effort. If not, the season and all that hard work thus far will fall by the wayside. In short the season starts here and must start now.

Let’s start now by making a sustained effort to get to training at least once, or preferably twice per week. By utilising our time at training to the maximum, working hard with the bat, ball or in the fielding drills we will lift our game and our results.

The Club is so much more than just turning up to play cricket. By supporting our Club by attending functions and helping out what often seems to be a painfully thin band of Club members who take on most of the off-field tasks.

To the players who are regularly at training and helping out, this message is not for you. We appreciate your efforts. For those who are not in this category, please take note.

A lot of people make New Year’s Resolutions at this time of year. As a Club and a group of players, now is the time to instead show a bit of resolve.

“Remember if you want the rainbow ………….. you gotta’ put up with the rain”.

The work starts now.

Vic Hodge           Charlie Walker
Coach, MVCC      President, MVCC  



January 1, 2012
Category: Archived News

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