Moonee Valley Cricket Club


Charlie's loss is Club's net gain


07PresentationCWalkerShaveCloseup7- 520pix
07PresentationCWalkerBefore 200pixCharlie's loss
is Club's net gain

Junior co-ordinator Charlie Walker has given up his trademark moustache and sideburns for the benefit of the Moonee Valley Cricket Club.
We raised $1700 towards our project to build two extra practice nets at Ormond Park as a result of the 'sacrifice'.
Vice-president Jim Polonidis laid down the challenge at the Mad Monday post-season drinks, with an offer of $500 to the nets fund if Charlie would discard his facial hair.
And so at Presentation Night on March 31, wife Adele brought along the hair clippers, and Charlie was plonked on the stage for the public humiliation. The "before" shot is at right.
President Sandro Capocchi called on other players, partners and members among the crowd of 100 at the night at the North Suburban Club to take advantage of Charlie's discomfort, and bids to add to Jim's contribution were thrown up to the stage and quickly pushed the total raised to $1700.
Charlie and Adele's sons Murray and Nigel also joined in at the stage - as the moustache, which has graced Charlie's top lip since 1984, predated their birth. They had never seen him without the mo.
Below is Adele getting to work with the clippers.
Our quote for two extra nets comes in at $22,000, so we've got plenty more fundraising to do. Eighths player Mark Madden has already made a $500 donation, and we raised $470 at the Music Trivia Night.
07PresentationCWalkerAdeleShave 400pixWe have applied to the Moonee Valley Council and Cricket Victoria for grants towards the project, but there's a long way still to go to raise the funds.

Anyone wanting to make a donation to the project can ring Charlie Walker on 0409 237 543.

The crowd at Presentation Night was the biggest that president Sandro can remember in his 22 years at Moonee Valley - demonstrating again that as a Club we're really going places.
Club stalwart Kevin Gardiner won the prestigious Lindsay Jones Best Clubman award, while Bob Sciacchitano and Charlie Walker were inducted as Life Members. Rajan Aiyappan, in his first season at Moonee Valley, won the Club Champion award for players in the First Eleven, while Jesse Felle's stellar season saw him win the Moonee Valley Cricket Club award for performances in all other grades.


March 31, 2007
Category: Archived News

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